CA3.5 Advanced Management Accounting
- Isaac Phiri
- 02h 06m 00s
- 0000-00-00 00:00:00
About Course
On completion of this module, candidates will reach a competency sufficient to be able to:
Define the role of the management accountant
Evaluate the setting of, controlling and managing the performance and risk management in an organisation
Evaluate how strategic performance measures can support decision making
Evaluate and select performance measures for an organisation
Evaluate and select measures that support management of divisions
Evaluate the resource implications in IT and HR to support effective performance management
Short Description
Organisation objectives and performance
Performance measures for strategic management, entity management, divisional management, support using IT and HR resources
Issues in modern management accounting
Week 01
- [Lesson] Eu mi egestas non nullam torquent ligula Duration: 0:45:00
Week 02
[Lesson] At pulvinar mauris sodales per vel cursus interdumDuration: 0:25:00